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コンシェルジュ 村上です。



























コンシェルジュ村上 までお問い合わせください☆

good evening.
Is a concierge Murakami.

Efficiency using ICT in a variety of industry, efforts of profit expansion is underway.

But it does not have quite penetration for hotels and inns would be reality.

I There are several reasons why.

One is that I do not know much about ICT.

That the system and the equipment to be used in day-to-day operations will be more convenient to take advantage of ICT is the person who is often only about imagine that Do I wonder perhaps likely.

At the same time I partners to the specific description is too small.

Also it gives the often that there is no information system part in the organization.

So hard to take advantage of.

Convenient ⇒ margin is born ⇒ can be reduced to customers ⇒ lucrative ⇒ ···

But such that, So you have a loss.

The second is the thought that you do not want to rely on ICT.

Hotel Man and inns of the staff has been fighting in the "people".

Every time you use even with the same customers, corresponding to adjust to it have the situation has changed. Customers are impressed with its corresponding.

"Thank you, come again."

It is multiplied by the voice and. You can have these things is only the power of the "people".

The experience value to continue to day-to-day accumulation's the things that can not be a substitute in ICT.

ICT is certainly convenient. But do we trust a company that comes to the business, such as to cancel the presence meaning of the hotel man.

"Staff of the person is OK but not have to do anything!"

Although jarring is good, and from the standpoint of the staff side but it is like it is said that "you than I do not have to do anything because it is a machine."

So I have proposed a mechanism, such as those of the staff is easier to work.

One of it's also when it is ICT.

It does not have anything nice to put off.

Somewhere in the partner companies and now it is soon to be cooperation.

Inbound correspondence, acquisition of domestic demand, businessman correspondence, is expected to very tough fight is also alone taking any.

Once trouble to look for partners, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Concierge Murakami will propose the best solution.

Please contact the concierge Murakami ☆




こんばんわ。 コンシェルジュ村上です。 少し更新期間が空いてしまいました。申し訳ありませんでした。 新年度がスタートして早くも1カ月が経とうとしています。 わが社でも新たな取り組みを始めるべく様々なイベントが予定されています。 ホテルや旅館の方向けにより実りある提案をできるようにするために、いろいろな計画をしています。 わが社が持っている最大の特徴は「トータルサポート」です。 一般的に業界の特徴として、それぞれの所掌内の提案が主になります。 ですがそれでは施設としてのホテル・旅館がもつポテンシャルを発揮できません。 なぜならばみんな自分のこととして提案をしていないからです。 これはうちのじゃないから放っておこう。 この思いをかかわる多くの業者さんがもっているため、施設側としては最新のソリューションを導入したはずなのに、機器同士の連携が取れず宝の持ち腐れになることがままあります。 そんな時、わが社なら大丈夫。 コンシェルジュ村上をはじめ様々なエキスパートがトータルサポートでバックアップします。 これができるのは実はわが社だけです。 ご興味を持たれた方はぜひご一報ください。 連絡先:コンシェルジュ村上 good evening. Is a concierge Murakami. We have available a little update period. I am sorry. Soon the new year is to start also trying to Tato is one month. It is also planned a variety of events in order to start a new initiative in our company. In order to be able to a fruitful proposed by for people of hotels and inns, we have a variety of plans. The biggest feature of our company has is the "total support". A

Future data platform

 Good morning. Immediately, you may notice it when you read the article about Smart City these days. It's my personal opinion, but ... Data platform is important How well do you understand the claim? In the past, data was siled, and different data formats were accumulated for each system. Each system is being developed while the users are required to make the necessary information easy to understand and sometimes to make the operation lighter. Now is the "era of connection". I want to link the data output by the system with the robot, or vice versa. There are many trends that we want to connect and that the platform is important for that. So the question is. What do you want to do by connecting the data? ?? Creating new value? To reduce operation? Solving social issues? The purpose is to make money by going around, right? So it's important to connect data as a way to make money. Connecting data The shortest route to make money and the maximum effect It is a way of thi